(Revised 08/09/2023)
The Terms have changed and will apply to all entries, whether submitted or yet to be submitted.  A Competitor’s entry or continuation of his/her/their entry to the Competition is his/her/their acceptance of the new Terms.  Further details of the changes are available on request.


To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of “The Dark Side Of The Moon”, Pink Floyd invites animators to enter a competition to create an animated music video for any of the ten songs from the iconic 1973 album. Why animation? Pink Floyd has had a rich history of collaborating with up and coming animators from the beginnings of the band, and in some cases the visuals that accompany the songs have become synonymous with the music itself. The band would like to give the latest up and coming animators an opportunity to innovate and present a fresh impression on these timeless aural works. The deadline for submissions is 31st December 2023 (“the Competition”).

Animators can enter any number of entries for each song on the album. Read on for more information about entering the Competition, and the Competitions’ terms and conditions.


£235,000 total in cash prizes consisting of:

  1. £10,000 prize for the winner for each song:
        1. Speak To Me;
        2. Breathe (In The Air);
        3. On The Run;
        4. Time;
        5. The Great Gig In The Sky;
        6. Money;
        7. Us And Them;
        8. Any Colour You Like;
        9. Brain Damage;
        10. Eclipse;
  1. Additional bonus prize overall:
        1. 1st Prize: £100,000
        2. 2nd Prize: £25,000
        3. 3rd Prize: £10,000

Each of the above amounts being, individually, “a Prize” and, collectively, “the Prizes”.

In addition, all winners will have their video entries uploaded to the official Pink Floyd YouTube channel.


  1. The promoter of the Competition is Pink Floyd Music Ltd, a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company number 01079610 and whose registered office is at 71 Queen Victoria Street, London, United Kingdom, EC4V 4BE (“the Promoter”).
  2. The Competition is open to everyone except:
        1. employees of the Promoter, Warner Music Group, Parlophone Records Limited, Sony Music Entertainment and/or their holding and subsidiary companies;
        2. employees of agents or suppliers of the Promoter or its holding or subsidiary companies who are professionally connected with the competition or its administration or promotion; or
        3. members of the immediate families or households of those set out in clauses 4(a) and (b) above; BUT
        4. if you are under the age of 18, you must obtain written parental or guardian consent to enter and claim your prize. The Promoter may ask any winner of a Prize to provide proof of such written consent and/or age before awarding any Prize.
  3. There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this Competition. There is no charge to register for use of the Promoter’s website in order to enter the Competition.
  4. By entering this Competition and submitting your entry, you are agreeing:
        1. to be bound by these Terms;
        2. that you are eligible to do so; and
        3. that you are eligible to claim any Prize you may win.

The Promoter may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the Competition before awarding any Prize.

      1. The Competition will run from 2pm GMT on 19th January 2023 (the “Opening Date“) to midnight GMT on 31st December 2023 (the “Closing Date“) inclusive.
      2. Any style of animation will be accepted, but the audio must be any one of ten songs from Pink Floyd’s “The Dark Side Of The Moon” album. Any entries that are not animated will be disqualified from the Competition. Hybrid live-action and animation is not eligible for the Competition. Claymation and stop motion is acceptable. Neither a PF Recording and/or a PF Composition (as those terms are defined in clause 27 below) can be modified in any way, shape or form. Additional audio added to the beginning or end of your video entry for context of the visual storyline will be accepted for entry. You are permitted to add a beginning or end slate for their personal or production company name. Video entries that include visuals of discrimination of race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or any type of prejudice will be disqualified from entry.
      3. You may use artificial intelligence software or other analogous technology to create your video, provided that you may not use any such software or technology that assumes or obtains (or tries to assume or obtain) any copyright or other rights’ ownership in your video entry and/or which would otherwise be and/or result in a breach of these Terms. 
      4. When submitting your video entry you shall also add a description, in as much detail as possible, of how you created your animation and any software, technologies, materials and resources used (including any artificial intelligence software). However, any inadvertent failure by you to provide such a description will not be a breach of these Terms or of itself disqualify your video entry from the Competition provided that you agree to provide such a description if later requested to do so by the Promoter.
      5. To enter the Competition you must upload your video entry to YouTube and submit that YouTube link to the Promoter at the following address (“The Website“). To be eligible for the Competition your video entry must comply to a current YouTube supported video file formats (click here for a list of accepted formats) with a minimum 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels) resolution. Full HDR videos are preferred. Click here for YouTube’s HDR video format specifications. You must be a registered user of YouTube to submit your entry. To become a registered user of YouTube, you must first register for a YouTube account with YouTube and agree to the YouTube Terms of Service. You must also provide the Promoter with a valid email address (“Your Email Address“) so that the Promoter can inform you if you have won a Prize.
      6. All Competition entries must be submitted to YouTube and to the Promoter at the address set out at clause 11 above by no later than midnight GMT on the Closing Date. All Competition entries received after the Closing Date are automatically disqualified.
      7. If the Promoter receives fewer than 30 qualifying video entries by the Closing Date then the Promoter reserves the right to cancel the Competition and not award any Prizes. The Promoter shall be under no obligation to continue with the Competition and/or award any Prize if fewer than 30 qualifying video entries are submitted.
      8. Multiple video entries from the same person are permitted.
      9. The Promoter will review all submitted entries received up to the Closing Date and will select the winning entries no later than 28 days after (“the Announcement Date”). The Promoter will inform you, using Your Email Address, if you have won a Prize and will also publish the surname and country of all Prize winners and, if applicable, their winning entries on the Website on the Announcement Date. However, the Promoter reserves the right to delay or reschedule the Announcement Date depending upon the volume of Competition entries if, in the Promoter’s opinion, it is necessary to do so in order that all video entries can be judged fairly. If the Promoter delays or reschedules the Announcement Date it will post a notice on the Website with the revised Announcement Date.
      10. The Promoter will not accept proof of posting or transmission as proof of receipt of your video entry to the Competition.
      11. The Promoter reserves all rights to disqualify you and/or your entry if your conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the Competition.
      12. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the Competition and these Terms without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the promoter’s control. Any changes to the Competition and/or these Terms will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the Promoter.
      13. The Promoter is not responsible for inaccurate prize details supplied to any entrant by any third party connected with this Competition.
      14. The Prizes are as stated and no additional cash or other alternatives will be offered. The Prizes are not transferable.
      15. Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges appointed by the Promoter. Video entries will be judged on quality of the visuals, artistic technique, plot and storyline.
      16. The Promoter will publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this obligation the Promoter will publish the surname and country of all Prize winners and, if applicable, their winning entries in accordance with clause 15 above. If you object to any or all of your surname, country and winning entry being published or made available, please contact the Promoter at [email protected]. In such circumstances, the Promoter must still provide the information and winning entry to the Advertising Standards Authority on request.
      17. If the winner cannot be contacted or is not available, or has not claimed their Prize within 14 days of the Announcement Date, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the Prize to the next eligible entrant selected from the qualifying entries that were received before the Closing Date.
      18. The Promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the Competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
      19. The Prize may not be claimed by a third party on your behalf. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility if you are not able to take up the Prize.
      20. The Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, YouTube or any other social network. In entering the Competition and submitting your entry you are providing your information to the Promoter only and not to any other party.
      21. In entering into the Competition and submitting your video entry in accordance with these Terms, the Promoter is deemed to have granted you (and not any other person or party acting on your behalf) a limited, revocable, non-transferrable, non-exclusive licence to:
        1. copy the Pink Floyd recording from the album “The Dark Side Of The Moon” (“PF Recording”) and the underlying composition (music and lyrics) embodied on that PF Recording (“PF Composition”) that you have used in your video entry strictly and solely for the purposes of including the PF Recording and PF Composition in your video entry;
        2. submit your video entry incorporating the PF Recording and PF Composition to the Competition accordance with these Terms; and
        3. post or upload your video entry (incorporating the PF Recording and PF Composition) to your YouTube and/or your other social media channels in accordance with clause 31 below (and otherwise with these Terms).

        No other rights of whatsoever nature are granted to you in any PF Recording and/or PF Composition. All other rights in, to and/or in relation to any PF Recording and/or PF Composition are fully and expressly reserved to the Promoter.

      22. By uploading your video entry to YouTube you grant the Promoter (and its licencees) an irrevocable, worldwide, exclusive, royalty free licence to copy, reproduce, upload, adapt, alter, edit, cut, add to and/or delete from, rearrange, translate, dub or subtitle in any language and/or otherwise deal with your video entry (and any excerpt, clip or sample from your video entry) in any and all ways and by any and all methods, media, formats and/or configurations (whether known now or in the future developed) and including, without limitation, for the purpose of advertising, promoting, publicising, broadcasting, exhibiting, distributing and exploiting the Competition, Pink Floyd and/or your video entry, throughout the world in perpetuity. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LICENCE BY YOU TO THE PROMOTER WILL END AUTOMATICALLY AND WITHOUT ANY FURTHER FORMALITY IF YOU ARE NOT NAMED AS A PRIZE WINNER ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT DATE AND THE PROMOTER WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO CONTINUE ANY FURTHER USE OR EXPLOITATION OF YOUR VIDEO ENTRY.
      23. You hereby agree and acknowledge that if your video entry is shortlisted or selected to win a Prize you will be required to sign a further agreement assigning all of your rights in your video entry to the Promoter (“the Assignment Agreement”) further to which the Promoter (and its assignees and licencees) shall be entitled to use and/or exploit your video entry in accordance with the terms of that Assignment Agreement. You further agree that if you fail or do not wish to sign the Assignment Agreement by the specified date that will mean you will forfeit your Prize and any licence granted to you by the Promoter in any PF Recording and/or PF Compositions will end automatically and the provisions of clause 27 above will then apply.
      24. If your video entry is shortlisted for a Prize but does not win a Prize, then all the rights in your video entry that you had assigned to the Promoter under the Assignment Agreement will be re-assigned to you by the Promoter, provided that the licence granted to you by the Promoter in any PF Recording and/or PF Compositions further to clause 27 above (and these Terms generally) will continue to apply to your video entry.
      25. Subject to these Terms, you may only post or upload your video entry (and the PF Recording and/or PF Composition embodied in your video entry) solely to your YouTube and/or your other social media channels provided that:
        1. you agree you will not be allowed to post or upload the video entry (including, without limitation, the PF Recording and/or PF Composition embodied in your video entry) on your own YouTube channel and/or your other social media channels until 3 months after your video entry is posted on the official Pink Floyd YouTube channel; and/or
        2. you shall be solely responsible for obtaining all necessary consents, permissions, licences and/or waivers (and/or paid any applicable fees in respect thereof) in respect of any use, distribution, uploading and/or other exploitation you make of your video entry; and/or
        3. the Promoter may take such action (and/or authorise any third party to take such action) as it deems necessary (including, without limitation, issuing take-down notices) if in its opinion your posting or uploading of your video entry on your YouTube and/or your other social media channels is unlawful, offensive, derogatory to the Promoter, Pink Floyd and/or any third party and/or is damaging to the reputation or otherwise likely to damage, lower or otherwise adversely affect the reputation and goodwill of the Promoter and/or Pink Floyd (or have the effect of doing any of the foregoing). The Promoter expressly reserves all of its rights and remedies in this respect accordingly.
      26. The Promoter shall have the right, at its sole discretion and at any time, to change or modify these Terms, such change shall be effective immediately upon posting on this page.
      27. Any video entry submitted as an entry must not be the same as one submitted for any previous competition or contest.
      28. Winners will be responsible for any costs in transferring the Prize to the winners
      29. By entering the Competition and/or submitting your entry you warrant that:
        1. you agree to these Terms and you are able to grant all rights in and to your video entry and or entry details as set out in these terms and conditions
        2. the content of your video entry (with the exception of the underlying PF Recording and/or PC Composition embodied in your video entry) will be wholly original to you and nothing in your video entry will be defamatory, blasphemous, obscene or infringe the copyright or other like right of any person, firm or company, or be or contain any derogatory or disparaging content or comments concerning any person or company, nor incorporate any third party material including, without limitation, any samples, nor include any content that is pornographic, promotes fossil fuels, arms, ammunition, and/or weapons of any kind, alcohol, pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs, tobacco, gambling, financial institutions, promotes political or religious causes and/or is otherwise hateful content of any kind (such as but not limited to any racist or sexist content) and/or promotes violence or harm of any nature whatsoever;
        3. you own, exclusively control and/or have obtained all necessary consents, permissions, licences and/or waivers (and/or paid any applicable fees in respect thereof) to include, use or otherwise embody all elements, materials, contents and other constituent parts of your video entry;
        4. no part of your video entry (with the exception of the underlying PF Recording and/or PC Composition in your video entry) has been, or will be published anywhere in the world prior to the Closing Date or the purposes of entering the Competition; and/or
        5. you will indemnify and at all times keep the Promoter fully indemnified against all claims, actions, costs, liabilities, penalties, proceedings and/or damages whatsoever incurred by and/or awarded against the Promoter and arising from any alleged or actual infringement or breach by you of these terms and conditions, and/or any of the warranties, undertakings, representations and agreements given by you under these terms and conditions.
      30. Insofar as is, and to the fullest extent, permitted by law, the Promoter, its employees, agents and/or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable: 
        1. to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the Prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees;
        2. for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrant entering the Competition or as a result of accepting any Prize;
        3. for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment or software, failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, telephone lines or at any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to entrant’s or any other person’s computer or mobile telephone related to or resulting from participation in the competition;

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing shall exclude the Promoter’s liability for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence. Your statutory rights are not affected.

      1. Data Protection and Publicity. The winner agrees to the use of his/her/their name and image in any publicity material for the Competition and/or Pink Floyd, as well as their video entry. Winners may be requested to take part in promotional activity and the Promoter reserves the right to use the names and addresses of winners in any publicity both in paper and online. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Legislation and any subordinate legislation passed under the Act. Any personal data relating to entrants will not be disclosed to a third party without the individual’s consent. Please see the Promoters Data Protection Notice and Privacy Policy for further details. Data relating to entrants will be retained by the Promoter for a reasonable period after the competition closes to assist the Promoter to operate competitions in a consistent manner and to deal with any queries on the competition.
      2. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither the Promoter nor its associated entities, nor their assignees, licencees, agents, employers, directors nor any members of the group Pink Floyd, nor their management, legal and financial advisors nor any internet service provider and/or platform are responsible for any failure or inability by you to submit or upload your video entry or receiving any information about the Competition for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, any failures of internet, broadband, wi-fi, telephone, computer or other network connectivity, any technical malfunction, any failure to access the internet due to the foregoing and/or any failure of computer, mobile telephone and/or personal device equipment, for any lost, delayed, interrupted, incomplete or failed transmission of data;
      3. The Competition and these Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. You and the Promoter irrevocably agree that the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or matter or to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with these terms and conditions and that accordingly any proceedings may be brought in such courts.